Countdown to the Growing Together Conference
June 19, 2018

There’s less than 1 Month to go so get your FREE TICKETS to the Growing Together Conference here and get access to all this amazing content…
The Growing Together Conference 2018 will focus on young single parents and how housing associations can develop an inspiring youth culture alongside successful community partnerships.
During the conference we will look at how Growing Together has given single young parents the opportunity to develop their skills, build resilience and achieve their aspirations, working from the concept that young people are the future and young parents are young people first. Challenging and changing the negative language often used in reference to young people we start by emphasising the positives, creating a psychologically informed environment where they feel safe, secure and able to participate by removing barriers to engagement.
We will consider policy, research and practice in supporting young people who have experienced adverse childhood experiences, explore the potential for housing associations, community groups and Charities to collaborate and co-produce projects with young people in order to ensure greater impact and sustainability.
Focussing on how to develop the skills of those who work and support this group of people by offering interactive workshops, ensuring you have the knowledge and competence needed to impart to staff who work with vulnerable families and young single parents in particular, allowing for them to become more resilient for the future.
There will be opportunities to explore these topics and others in more depth, by way of workshops where delegates can contribute their knowledge, ideas and experiences.
Aim of the conference – We hope to increase delegates understanding and give them the opportunity to consider their own policy and practice, alongside sharing the experience and best practice from Growing Together.
Who should attend – Professionals from Housing, Statutory and the Third Sector who work with young people, families and who offer parenting support within a community setting, or those who have an interest in supporting this group of people.
Confirmed Speakers:
Adrian Bailey – The Co-production Network for Wales
Chris Chinnock – Head of Business Development at Nurture Development, Asset Based Community Development
Bronwen Lloyd – Director of Community Regeneration, Charter Housing
Vanessa Rogers – Author and Nationally acclaimed youth work consultant
Samantha Howells – Community Development Manager (Young People and Families), Charter Housing
Sarah Mutch – Early Years Manager, Caerphilly
Michelle Brown – Service Delivery Manager, Gingerbread
Sue Gibson – OK Kids, Charter Housing
Plus The Growing Together Team
Workshops will cover:
The Growing Together Practitioners Training & Toolkit – Best practice toolkit for professionals developed from the learning from Growing Together and young single parent’s viewpoints
Growing Together Digital game – a peer education resource designed and delivered by young parents around the realities of being a young single parent
Storytelling – Growing Together participants share their storybook with you and show the impact of this piece of work
What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?
There is a free carpark on site
What’s the refund policy?
The event is free for attendees but a fee will apply for non-attendance on the day of £30 to cover admin costs
Will lunch be provided?
A buffet as well as tea, coffee and water will be provided
Is there a Welsh Language option for the event?
As a Big Lottery-funded project we aim to offer both English and Welsh Language services where we can. If you would like a Welsh translator and headset at the event please let us know by email asap.
Please Note: Unfortunately we cannot be responsible for any guest speaker cancellations. THANK YOU!